Staff at a primary school in Bradford-on-Avon have been praised for creating a "happy and inviting place to learn" as well as delivering a "well-designed curriculum in most subjects".

Fitzmaurice Primary School, on Frome Road, was inspected on Wednesday, March 13 and Thursday, March 14 and received a 'good' rating.

The school is part of the Palladian Trust Academy family - a trust of six primary schools, two infant and two junior schools, and a large secondary school.

The inspection highlighted strong pastoral care, "warm and encouraging" relationships between staff and pupils and positive attitudes across the school. 

The report reads: "Pupils are proud to attend Fitzmaurice Primary School. It is a happy and inviting place to learn. Pupils talk willingly about how the school’s motto of ‘aiming high, showing respect and having fun’ guides them every day.

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Wiltshire Times: Fitzmaurice Primary School celebrate success after recent Ofsted report

"Pupils are safe and place high levels of trust in staff to help them with any worries they have. The school creates an environment where pupils are listened to." 

The report identified that "the school has a well-designed curriculum in most subjects".

The report continues: "The curriculum excites pupils’ interests and helps them build knowledge over time."

Despite this the report also states that in "a few subjects in the wider curriculum, staff do not use assessment well enough".

It adds: "Learning does not always match pupils’ starting points as well as it could. This means that some pupils do not develop the skills and knowledge the school intends."

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The report also praised additional support for children with special educational needs. 

It reads: "Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are identified accurately. Staff make sure pupils with SEND have the right additional teaching and pastoral support. Staff break down learning into small steps of content for pupils, including those with complex needs."

Headteacher Jo Hill said: “We are delighted that the report recognises the incredible team effort from our devoted teachers and school community over the past few years. This has endorsed that the high standards of education and care our pupils receive have been sustained since our last inspection.

“We are never complacent and are always striving to improve and a prime example of this is the introduction of our enhanced early reading strategy, which was also praised by the inspectors.”