I WOULD like to point out that not only does Wiltshire Council already appear to have a £10 million overspend but I have heard recently that they are proposing to spend a further £1.2 million on replacing laptops for their staff.
Is it not possible to upgrade the existing laptops or at the very least only replace those where a replacement is absolutely essential?
As a past example of Wiltshire Council wasting money, during the refurbishment of County Hall, originally there was one kitchen on one floor for the staff, where there are now four. Was this really necessary, or just another waste of council tax payers’ money?
In these times of austerity surely Wiltshire Council should be making further savings (on new laptops) as opposed to spending more money and adding to the already £10 million overspend.
I would also like to respond to Mr CNV Williams, your correspondent in last week’s edition of The Wiltshire Times, who suggested that a savings proposal was simplistic. 
Would he prefer that Wiltshire Council increase our council tax, rather than making some cutbacks while constantly overspending with public money?
Jennifer O’Neill
Ramsbury Walk