I AM writing, yet again, with regard to the ongoing problems with the internet service in the libraries – a service that we, as council tax payers, pay for and we are expected to put up with a rubbish service.
In my last letter I challenged the head of the library service to come and use the internet himself – his silence was deafening, though predictable. I was asked to chat with the head of the technical team.
The internet is still freezing a lot, some sites are not working as they should (Ancestry for example) and the service is extremely unreliable. The library staff seem to spend far too much time trying to get the computers to work properly and this is totally unfair on them.
What is needed is someone qualified to take a look at the service and sort out the problems, so that we get the reliable service we pay for. Will this ever happen – of course not. There is more chance of pigs flying over and hell freezing before this council starts caring about the public.
Ms R Stroud
The Mews 