SMALL changes are the secret to keeping New Year’s resolutions
In my years of helping people make lasting improvements to their health, I’ve seen how a focused resolution made up of achievable steps is the key to success. While most (53%) of us plan to make a New Year’s resolution for 2017, the vast majority (81%) of us fail to keep our resolutions.
If trying to overhaul your health seems like a mammoth task this New Year, optimising your gut health is a simple and effective way to improve your wellbeing. 
Our gastrointestinal system, and particularly our gut flora, has a significant impact on the rest of our body – affecting everything from moods to weight. 
Anyone who’s had even a fairly minor problem with their digestion, like a bout of constipation, knows it can have a significant effect on how you feel.
So instead of setting yourself another unrealistic resolution that won’t last longer than the Christmas tree, take care of yourself by looking after your gut. Instead of beating yourself up every time you reach for the biscuit tin or get the bus instead of walking home, remember that every day is an opportunity to take control of your health. For lifestyle changes and tips for a healthy bowel and avoiding common issues like constipation visit
Kate Arnold
Nutrition Consultant
1-5 Offord Street