I AM rather disgusted with the Wiltshire Times. I thought it was a reasonably fair newspaper, until I saw your hysterical attack on the proposal to appoint a newspaper regulator who is independent of the press, in accordance with the proposals of the Leveson Committee. It makes me wonder what you have to hide. The work of Leveson has clearly demonstrated that the self-regulation of the press you seek does not work; it allows newspapers like the News of the World to behave in ways which are intolerable (remember the hacking of phones?). The independent regulator recommended by Leveson should be appointed immediately. Such regulation will not damage free speech in any way. What it will do is to ensure that we have a responsible press. May I recommend your readers to visit the website of Hacked Off at http://hackinginquiry.org/ for more accurate coverage of this debate.
Stuart A Raymond 
Genealogical Bookman
Princess Gardens