The incident in Trowbridge town centre the other day causing traffic jams of 45 minutes was always going to happen and will occur again. The council needs to get its eye back on the ball and start to police the roads instead of just the car parks where most people purchase tickets. The the car parks are easy revenue and if your ticket runs out you get little sympathy.

However, on a double yellow line you can play the sympathy vote and get it overturned, so the revenue is less than guaranteed. The council has provided car parks, blue badges and disabled parking spaces. It has also provided instructions for the use of these badges but some people will always take advantage of others’ good nature. Also a lot of people do not read the Highway Code. We can all say we are guilty of that. An example is how many of us knows the different types of signs for a railway crossing? We don't have a railway crossing in Trowbridge: however we do in Wiltshire, but do we know the difference?

£30 or £60 a time is a lot of the revenue the council now requires for its roof on County Hall. Why they didn’t think when they spent £24 million on the refurbishment that it would be sensible to repair the roof I don’t know. If you are going to spend £24 million surely you fix the roof first, or am I just being stupid again? Well, just common sense to me.

The other point I would like to raise is why was a traffic police officer left to issue this ticket when the council employs several traffic wardens. I know from experience Salisbury usually has three traffic wardens walking together and usually walk past cars parked on double yellow lines, losing us taxpayers revenue that could keep our bills down. How much does the council actually pay each year to paint these lines for them not to police them.

If you look at Castle Street you will regularly see cars parked the wrong way on double yellow lines and often these offending vehicles are there a lot longer than 15 minutes.

Also there is a sign on this road stating no traffic to turn left down Castle Street from the town centre. Most people ignore it.

Andrew Hungerford, Churchlands, North Bradley.