WESTBURY Leigh Primary School pupils got their hands dirty for Art Day on Monday, June 27 to create a rocky artwork display which is now on show at the entrance to the school.

Each pupil decorated a pebble however they liked before they were collected and placed outside the main entrance.

Year 2 pupils also worked with local artist Jennie Quigley to create a mural for the wall.

Arts co-ordinator Becky Porter, who organised the event, said: “It was a brilliant day and all children created some lovely pieces of art.

“It was really nice to see the older children working with the younger ones to help them with their work.”

Pupils took inspiration from the book ‘Only One You’ by Linda Kranz, which they read in the morning before getting stuck in.

“The book represents our school values – responsibility, respect and courage," added Mrs Porter.

“It also focuses on the message that it’s okay to be different and that we should respect those who are different, which is something we teach the children here.

“All of the pebbles were individual and unique, just like the children at the school.

“Parents have been really intrigued by what we’ve been doing and have been really supportive of the idea. It’s a really nice project which all the children really enjoyed.

“We can’t wait for next year’s event.”