MEMBERS of the West Wilts Trefoil Guild gathered with other guild members to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the national Trefoil Guild group.

A celebratory tea party was held in Trowbridge Sensory Gardens on Tuesday afternoon where nostalgic exhibitions of the past 75 years were displayed.

The guild was set up in 1943 by a group of old Guides who wanted to maintain the ethos of Guiding, keeping the Guide promise, supporting units, and helping in the community by raising funds for charity.

Chairman of West Wilts Trefoil Guild, Sue Marshall, said: “We feel like it is quite an achievement to be celebrating the group’s 75th anniversary, and to be carrying on with our fundraising and other activities.

“We think of it as doing a good deed every day.”

Many members of the Trefoil Guild pass on their skills and knowledge to local Guiding units, from helping Brownies work towards a badge or to preparing older girls for a camping adventure.

They also work with the Rainbows.