CABINET member for highways Cllr John Thomson has said that any proposed plans to take the Historic Core Zone further in Bradford on Avon will not go ahead with the support of Wiltshire Council.

In a letter to the town council, Cllr Thomson said: “In the circumstances, the scheme will not be progressed any further and the funds will be allocated to the next priority in the highways programme.”

The idea of a new town poll, on a reworked HCZ scheme to include zebra crossings, was raised at a community meeting held at The Swan on February 19.

Mr Thomson added: "I am not minded to give further consideration to a re-run of the poll, presumably to achieve an outcome that favours the supporters.

"I would offer the same view had the poll gone the other way and I was now being asked to consider a revised question that leant more towards the objectors' preferred outcome. "

The poll, which registered 1,669 votes against the HCZ compared to 1,315 in favour, saw nearly 40 per cent of the town turn out to vote on whether a £2.5m scheme which was described by supporters as being pedestrian-friendly should be provided in the town.

Mr Thomson said: “Although I note references made to certain aspects of the scheme being especially contentious, the poll allowed everyone the opportunity to express their support or opposition to the scheme both in principal and detail.”

The funding will now be put towards other highways projects at Wiltshire Council.