AN OUTLINE planning application has been submitted by Ashton Park Trowbridge and Persimmon Homes for a mixed use urban extension including 2,500 homes in South East Trowbridge.

The Ashton Park Urban Extension application, which also includes details of the Yarnbrook and West Ashton Relief Road, is supported by a master plan which was subject of consultation with the local community in 2013/2014 - while the Wiltshire Core Strategy was at an advanced stage of preparation.

In January 2015, the Core Strategy was adopted and the Council secured Government funding to contribute to the costs of the Relief Road.

Ashton Park is a key strategic allocation in the Core Strategy and is fundamental to delivering the Council’s housing and employment requirements over the next 10 years.

The application provides for 2,500 new homes and 15 hectares of business park and two local centres. Amongst the community facilities proposed is a site for a new secondary school to serve this part of Trowbridge and sites for two primary schools.

A spokesman for the developers said: “We look forward to working with the council and interested parties to secure an early planning permission so that the development can come forward in a planned manner and generate further investment into Trowbridge as well as improving the strategic highway network along the A350.”

The comprehensive proposals would incorporate an extensive network of open spaces linking to the Peoples Park and town centre.

The Yarnbrook and West Ashton Relief Road is also a high priority improvement to the A350 to be delivered with the proposals.