THREE members of The Athenaeum Singers' committee retired from their roles at last week’s AGM.

In his letter to the choir following the recent concert, Director of Music Edward-Rhys Harry paid tribute to committee members who had ‘given of themselves for the good of the choir’. Paddy Yerburgh was a founder member and has served as honorary secretary for 16 years, during which time she has taken on more and more responsibility. She has worked tirelessly with different musical directors, and the smooth running of the concerts has been down to her willingness and efficiency.

Treasurer Martin Gairdner’s acumen has kept the finances in a healthy state and enabled the choir to take on ever more ambitious projects. Auditor of the accounts, Mike Stanley commented on Martin’s ‘great book keeping and attention to detail’. He has carried out his long stint of nine years as treasurer with humour, efficiency and wise counsel.

Carolyn Lewis has reached the end of her five year term as chairman during which she has steered the Singers through choppy waters. In his tribute Edward-Rhys Harry stated that ‘thank you did not seem enough’. He commented on the sensitivity Carolyn has shown to the needs and concerns of the choir and her selfless commitment, always ‘ carrying the care of the choir in her heart.’ The incoming chairman Jo Casey said that committee meetings had always been pleasurable under Carolyn’s leadership.

The huge commitment of time and skills the three have brought to the choir was recognised at the meeting and gifts presented to them from the grateful choir members. They will continue to enjoy singing with the choir.

Appointed as their replacements, Helen Schroeder will take the role of secretary, Richard Stokes treasurer, and Jo Casey chairman.