I have been informed by a number of my friends that they have been “consulted” by Wiltshire Council on the future of the green bins and if they would accept an annual charge or a reduced service. I have visited the consultation on the council website, interesting as it does not give you an option to disagree.

It appears the “discussion” is not a full discussion and the decision has been made. Either pay or suspend, but do not disagree. Perhaps I am wrong but I cannot see anywhere to make a statement.

Part of the council’s thoughts are for an opt in/opt out, opt in at an annual cost. While I have no objection to this initiative I believe the council should broaden the consultation. If I am having to move my garden waste to a local recycling centre then I might as well do the same with my household waste, my paper/glass etc and my cardboard and plastic.

Therefore, I believe the council should broaden the process. Additionally, I also believe there are a number of other services which I would like the opportunity to choose if I opt in or out.

I am concerned the council will use the green bins this year to increase their revenue and then next year hit us again for another service. Let us do all services we pay for in one pass so people can decide which they wish to have and those they do not. Individuals could then reduce their individual annual council tax by reducing the services they wish to use.

Tim Langford, Stokehill, Trowbridgd.