At a recent meeting Wiltshire Councillor Jonathon Seed said it’s not what your council, can do for you, but it’s what you can do for your council.

Bradford on Avon Lorry Watch, has been doing the council’s work for some time now, recording offenders who are breaking the law when they cross the town bridge which has a weight limit on it.

Wiltshire Council are now saying that they are unable to cope with the number of law breakers that are being referred to them by Bradford on Avon Lorry Watch, and are suggesting that the town council should send out warning letters to offenders.

Is this not a case of local residents have done the council’s work, in recording the law breakers, and the council refusing to enforce the law?

Councillor Terry Chivers, Independent Melksham Without North, Eden Grove, Whitley, Melksham.