Oh how pleased we were to read David Thomas’s letter supporting the proposed wind turbine near Cley Hill.

At last, some common sense: ‘flicker effect’ indeed. Large wind turbine blades move too slowly to cause any significant flicker effect. Presumably this misinformation was lifted from a treatise on small wind turbines.

And according to the RSPB the use of fossil fuels causing climate change is a far greater threat to birds than a single wind turbine.

Have the protesters driven through Belgium, the Netherlands or Germany lately? There, wind turbines stretch gracefully across the landscape, adding their elegance to the terrain.

Germany is the greenest country in Europe and if wind turbines did not provide cheap electricity, and were not environmentally friendly, wind turbines would not have been built.

This anti-wind turbine, anti-progress, Not In My Back Yard conduct is symptomatic of head-in-the-sand behaviour. Stop behaving like ostriches. Fossil fuel is running out and if we don’t invest in renewable energy soon our great-grandchildren will be sitting in the dark.

Richard Burton, Heather Burton BA (Hons), MA (Sussex), High Street, Dilton Marsh, Westbury.