It is clear from your letters columns that there are different views on the desirability of the Historic Core Zone scheme proposed for our town.

I was elected to Bradford on Avon Town Council at a by-election in March 2014. In my campaign for election I gave my support to the attempts to ensure that the zebra crossings in Market Street and Silver Street would be retained and also expressed my wider concerns about the HCZ scheme as a whole.

Since being elected I have seen and heard nothing to change my view and I intend to keep my election promise by now campaigning against the HCZ proposals.

Together with my Councillor colleague Pam Hyde, who shares my misgivings, we will be presenting as best we can the other side of the debate, although we do not have the resources of the Town Council to put on exhibitions and public meetings.

It is our wish that leading up to the Parish Poll there should be a properly informed and open debate on the HCZ proposal, and that this should be conducted without rancour. Furthermore we hope for the widest possible participation in the Poll and, whatever the result and the decision that follows from it, that the outcome will be accepted without recrimination by those who will be disappointed.

Martin Newman, Bradford on Avon.