It was difficult to turn over pages of last week’s Wiltshire Times without reading more and more news of impending cuts to public services. Much has already been written regarding the proposed ‘tax’ on garden refuse and the axing of the RUH Hopper, but adding insult to injury we then read in a report from a local bus company that with effect from April bus passes would not normally be valid until 9.30am.

This will make it even more difficult and expensive for elderly folk to get to early hospital appointments. Over the course of a day, percentage wise, the amount saved will surely be minimal. In April I have to make such a visit and, using the choose and book system, the only options given were Bristol, Swindon, Tetbury or Yate, which highlights the dilemma facing many patients.

It is all very well for Jane Scott to publicly apologise for the cuts, but is she still speaking for a council Where Everybody Matters? In all fairness Wiltshire Council may be having difficulty in balancing the books, but before coming to any decision a little more consideration might not come amiss to those who, because of their stage in life, or with disabilities, now need help.

Stanley H Jones, Horse Road, Hilperton Marsh.