MOST of the controversy surrounding natural gas has to do with fracking. Studies have shown that fracking does cause small earthquakes, which can damage homes. However, it should be noted that these earthquakes are relatively small, and some experts believe that these small earthquakes relieve pressure that could have caused larger earthquakes in the future.

Fracking also uses a tremendous amount of water that contains chemicals and other environmentally damaging materials. Run off from fracking operations can cause tremendous environmental harm, and some regulators believe that current regulations are not strict enough to prevent this harm. Finally, fracking brings up a number of land rights issues. Since fracking involves horizontal drilling, disputes often arise over whether a fracking company has access to certain segments of land underground.

How would you feel when the land beneath you is taken from beneath you and you never knew it was taken away? The trouble with fracking is it invisible to the naked eye as most of it is hidden away beneath us. What you do not see can’t see harming you is usually the things that do kills you.

It has too many unknowns and can you risk those unknowns for small profits compared to the damages that might be caused to life and the environment? Once it starts it is already too late and then you can argue until you are blue in the face but they have the cash they have the lawyers and you and I will not win that fight alone.

Please express your views and opinions before your opinion is taken from you like the land beneath you will soon be taken.

Andrew Hungerford, Churchlands, North Bradley