PERHAPS I could point out to your correspondent Mr J Stokes that the recent referendum was not about how refugees were treated in the Second World War or about what happens in the European passport free zone which excludes the UK.

His comment about the same people being in power for 30-odd years is equally puzzling as I have a clear recollection of several general elections being held during that period when politicians sought a renewed mandate.

The referendum was about how the UK co-operates with our European neighbours and the continuation of a forward looking, tolerant society with a strong economy which welcomes investment from abroad to produce goods and services for sale within the single market.

If more voters had put away their rose coloured spectacles and made an objective decision based on advice from impartial authorities like the Bank of England, the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the IMF, the UK would not be headed for unprecedented turbulence which will deter investment and almost certainly produce a self-inflicted recession.

CNA Williams, Clipsham Rise, Trowbridge