I THINK you do a very good job raising attention to subjects that would not be available to the public.
A few years ago I raised through you the danger of ultra violet lights. We do not now receive ordinary sunlight due to a hole in the atmosphere, so these rays can cause skin cancer. I have noticed the Government has taken up the matter to a degree. I have questioned people and there is use of creams and reduced exposure, so we are getting there.
Now we have a subject that will become a major issue, the end of petrol/diesel vehicles and the introduction of electric engines. I have raised this in the past, now the Government seems to have carried out investigations into dementia and lung cancer, they must find alarming; so electric cars/vans in the future.
As I say two subjects. I have concentrated on other people’s voices, perhaps more local issues, but your publishing letters is, as I say, helping to save lives. Well done.
G F White
Senior Scientific Officer (retired)
Coppice Hill
Bradford on Avon