ATTITUDES are formed by information received, or not as the case may be.
Take the bovine TB issue. We have been unnecessarily killing thousands of cattle and badgers, at a cost of millions of pounds, for 40-odd years, because there are those who are obsessed with using badgers as a scapegoat. Governments don’t want to accept that they were wrong to go against the science and not spend the money on a cattle vaccine. 
Claiming that the EU would not accept vaccine-treated meat or cattle was not actually true.
BBC Radio Four Farming Today (March 29) was a typical example of how the public are misled. They go to a farmer who has a complaint about compensation payments, who does not buy in but breeds his own stock, and allow him to use the standard pro-badger cull tactic, by saying farmers are not allowed to kill badgers. Ignoring the fact that the bacilli can be carried on vehicles, other goods and straw etc.
It’s all aimed at pointing the finger at badgers, totally unscientific. But then as one vet put it: Anything for political expediency.
D Thomas