Westbury Detachment of Wiltshire Army Cadet Force (ACF) visited Harman Lines in Warminster to find out more about the range of heavy armoured vehicles used.

Harman Lines is the home of A Squadron of 1 Royal Tank Regiment (RTR) and their supporting Royal Engineer (RE) and Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineer (REME) units.

The cadets were introduced to a number of heavy armoured vehicles during the visit, including the bridge-laying Titan, the route-clearing Trojan and the main battle tank Challenger 2.

The cadets were given a brief introduction to the purpose and capability of each vehicle by the soldiers of the RTR, the RE and the REME and were then invited to “climb on board”.

Capt Peter White, Detachment Commander for Westbury cadets, said: “We have to say a big thank you to the individuals who instructed the cadets, they were absolutely brilliant.”