EVENTS were held over the weekend to raise awareness of the danger that swift birds face as they are now considered to be under threat.

For the people of Bradford on Avon, Swifts tweeting round the rooftops of the town on their return from Africa marks the true beginning of summer.

To raise awareness of their plight Bradford on Avon Swift group joined together with other groups all over the country to organise events.

Former resident, wildlife expert, author and Swift expert Jonathan Pomroy returned to Bradford on Avon for two events.

On Saturday he gave a talk about Swifts at the Quaker Meeting House, followed by a walk around the town to spot Swifts and where they are nesting.

On Sunday, Holy Trinity Church were delighted to welcome both the BoA Swift Group and Mr Pomroy where an exhibition of his paintings and a book signing of his recent book On Crescent Wings took place, he also gave an informative talk about the drawing of Swifts followed by tea and homemade cakes prepared by the Swift Group.

Rowena Quantrill, Bradford on Avon Swift Group member said: "Swifts had a real battle on migration this year with cold and gales affecting them badly as they travelled through Europe and the cool, wet weather we have had for much of May and June has not suited them. Our group has been very busy putting up nest boxes round town."