STAFF and residents at Wiltshire Heights care home have joined forces with Creative Mojo in bringing art alive in the care home settings.

The National Activity Providers Association set the task of bringing art alive in care homes, focusing on a day of exhibitions across the country.

The project has been launched by NAPA this year, with funding from the Baring Foundation and the Rayne Foundation.

The teams were set the task of organising art activities in their care home, large or small and to tweet about it on the day with photos including the hashtag #ArtsinCareHomes .

Client services manager at Wiltshire Heights, Libby Miles said: “I am all for having as many opportunities as possible to get creative and linking with Jo from Creative Mojo has enabled us to create some amazing masterpieces.

"It has been a lovely day, celebrating all of our hard work which we are very proud to have been a part of."