FOCUSSING on the Future with Wiltshire Council, where the authority asks people to help it set its priorities for the future, has ended its series of public meetings.

The last meeting, at County Hall Trowbridge on Wednesday night (January 15) was an opportunity to find out how the council is changing to provide the services that taxpayers expect and need in the years ahead.

Council leader Phillip Whitehead said: “We will not be getting any grants from central government. We tried to keep council tax under inflation but it is just above it. But you’re still £750 less on a band D than the average.

“Council tax is made up council, police, fire crews and the town and parish councils. Of every £1 paid 62p goes to adult social care and schools.”

Since 2017/18, the council has saved around £67 million by working more efficiently and prioritising services, but it estimates a further £15 million must be saved next year.

Questions from the public asked included what the council is doing to be greener, the closure of Trowbridge swimming pool, if there are plans to bring any larger corporations to the county and how they are dealing with the transport infrastructure so it can be improved.