MELKSHAM’S young people want to stamp out bullying so have launched an anti-bullying campaign launched by Young Melksham.

Young people are being asked to pledge their commitment by signing cards from which they will be given a wrist band.

Chair of trustees Jon Hubbard said: "We like any other young organisation of young people see bullying. So we wanted to stamp it out with this campaign which is hashtag bullies not welcome. Young people will not accept it.

"We have had 5,000 pounds from youth funding.

"I work with young people so I see the damage it can do. Because of the current situation it has been put on hold.

The funding has also put outreach workers in the King George V playing field.

"It's not just for the kids in the youth centre it is for everyone. They will be there twice a week and adopting the same attitude to help the campaign. By talking to young people about it they have shaped the campaign.

"It will be an amazing when we restart it again."