SURELY what any intelligent, compassionate person would find more sickening and sad than the tragic death of the MP Jo Cox are those trying to make political capital from it. There is great emphasis on the fact that Jo Cox was for remaining in the EU and more immigrants, and implying that those who voted to leave are somehow of the same mind as the killer. 
No attempt to go into the possibility that he had a mental problem.
He does not represent those who voted to leave the EU. Would Jo Cox have wanted this playing down of our country when we need to get on and build a future where we have a control over our own destiny? In 1975 both my wife and I voted not to go into the EU, albeit then it was about cutting red tape, not to build a Eurocentric feudal state.
The Remain lobby are more concerned with having a dig at those who bothered to vote and won, than our country, using negative news to play Britain down and ignoring the fact that most problems would have happened whether we stayed in or not.
D Thomas
This letter has been reprinted as it unfortunately appeared last week missing several words which altered its meaning. We apologise for the error and any distress caused. Editor