WORK on the construction skills centre for Wiltshire College’s Trowbridge campus will start next month.

The building will have three plumbing workshops, three brick workshops and two wood workshops when it opens next September.

It will replace the Cheverill and Dilton workshop buildings at the College Road campus, as part of a £3.6m improvement project.

Di Dale, Wiltshire College’s principal, said: “These exciting new developments on the Trowbridge campus will enable the college to ensure it will be able to respond to and meet the training needs of our local industries and community in the future.

“The new skills centre will improve integration of workshops, increase usable space, improve supervision and provide a more attractive environment for students, professional clients and employers, as well as significantly improving the learner experience.”

The 2,303 sq m building will help students pursuing careers in plumbing, brickwork, electronics, carpentry, painting and decorating.

The centre will sit behind demolished workshops, as that area becomes a car park.

The construction skills centre is the second phase of a regeneration project which has so far added a learning resource centre and a new front entrance.

For information about the Trowbridge campus, visit the website newbuildings.