Young people in Wiltshire are being encouraged to recognise the signs of domestic abuse through a series of activities during National Domestic Abuse Week next week.

There will be an exhibition in County Hall, Trowbridge, from November 25 until December 8, which will highlight how abuse can start in young relationships and the behaviours to look out for if someone is a victim or worried about a friend.

Two experts from Splitz will be on Spark radio on November 28 from 7- 8pm to answer questions and concerns.

Anyone who is concerned about their relationship or a friend’s, is being encouraged to email before November 28 with their questions.

Keith Humphries, Wiltshire Council cabinet member for public health and protection services, said: “This shocking crime affects people of all ages, but we wanted to raise awareness of this amongst young people in particular. Domestic abuse is a crime, which is often hidden as many victims are fearful of reporting what is happening to them or even telling their friends and family.

“This awareness week gives us the opportunity to let people know what support is available and that they don’t have to suffer in silence.”

Maggie Rae, Wiltshire Council Corporate Director said: “I sincerely hope this campaign helps to raise awareness of the support that is available for people affected by domestic abuse, and gives them the courage to speak out and seek help. We will continue to work with our partners to reach as many people as we can with the message, No excuse for Abuse.”

If people of any age, are or know someone who is living with the effects of domestic abuse, they need to speak out and seek support. They should call the National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247 (free phone in partnership with Women’s Aid and Refuge) or visit

In an emergency they should always call 999.