WE value the people who use our libraries and their feedback is welcome, however Ms Stroud’s letter detailing her experience using the library computers is in the minority. The vast majority of users are very happy with the services we provide.
Many people use the public computers at libraries for learning, leisure, and accessing government sites and they are an essential part of the council’s digital offer. As with all computers, there are occasional issues, which we work to solve, but they are not frequent.
Regarding printing, when a customer prints something, they have to come to the counter to collect it and only then will a member of staff actually print it. This means we only print what we really need to, and it saves paper.
I would be more than happy to hear from anyone who has any comments about our libraries, good or bad, but I am rightly proud that we have the same 31 libraries that we have had for many years. I am also proud of what they have to offer Wiltshire residents and of the dedicated people who work and volunteer in our libraries to provide these invaluable services.
Councillor Jonathon Seed
Wiltshire Council Cabinet Member for Libraries