PEOPLE who are concerned about the amount of plastic supermarkets use gathered at Trowbridge's big Tesco store to try and highlight the issue.

Rosie Evitt, of Hawkeridge Road, Yarnbrook, and her friends carried out their usual shops at the County Way supermarket but when they got to the till and paid for their purchases, they left all the unnecessary plastic packaging that they could there to show that it wasn't needed.

Rosie plans on doing this again as she says it is a really big issue that needs to be addressed.

"People certainly took notice on the day which was good to see. Hopefully we can do this again - supermarkets need to do more on this," she said.

"We are destroying our oceans by poisoning the ecosystems with plastics.

"Without the sea there will be no planet for future generations. Tesco, our biggest supermarket (in Trowbridge), should lead the way by making their suppliers conform by using degradable materials to wrap products.

"This is the responsibility of all supermarkets and we, the customers, demand this.

"Wiltshire people, please unwrap your plastics at the tills after paying for your purchases. Let's make the supermarkets listen to us."