I am concerned about the difficult process for registering in Bath the death of someone from Chippenham and the bureaucratic nightmare that elderly relatives have to endure to register the death. This is mainly at the Royal United Hospital.

They give every assistance, but the relatives have to travel to the hospital, collect a certificate, and then to the Guildhall and register the death. Apart from the expense, the parking nightmare at the hospital, and again near the Guildhall, it is very stressful for elderly and disabled.

I have asked the prospective Conservative candidate Wilfred Emmanuel Jones, to look at this, and try and ease the most difficult procedure laid down.

He has kindly agreed, and is to raise it with Andrew Lansley, the shadow Secretary of State for Health, when he visits Chippenham in a few weeks time.

If you have been through the procedure recently please write to Mr Emmanuel Jones and he will raise it.

It is quite a nonsense at the moment and needs to be put right so a death can be registered without trailing round Bath and East Somerset. His address is Wilfred Emmanuel Jones, Forest Gate, Pewsham, SN153RS.

Let us try and put this right for those who have lost a family member.

KENNETH HULBERT Sadlers Mead, Chippenham