CHURCHGOERS in Lacock are celebrating the news they will receive £105,000 from English Heritage to carry out much-needed repairs to St Cyriac's Church.

However, villagers still need to raise a further £150,000 to complete the projects planned.

The medieval parish church is the one of the few buildings in the village not owned by the National Trust. The grant will enable the re-roofing of the nave, using as many existing slates as possible.

The Rev Sally Wheeler said: "We are absolutely thrilled with the money but there is a lot that still needs to be raised. We knew that we were considered in urgent need of repairs so we were quite confident that we would get something.

"So many people think of St Cyriac's as their church even if they don't come here on a Sunday. They will just come in and write a prayer in the book or sit and reflect.

"It is an open church so everyone can enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

"We have an active group, the Friends of Lacock Churches, that help raise money so everyone can continue to enjoy the church."

Grants have been given to churches across the region as part of English Heritage's Inspired campaign. Simon Thurley, chief executive of English Heritage, said: "Our task is to help convert this broad national affection for places of worship into concrete support.

"Simply throwing more money at these buildings won't solve all their problems. The key to long-term security for historic places of worship is about understanding the nature of the problem properly, tackling it rationally and methodically."