Children in Corsham could have a safer walk to school and traffic volumes could be cut at peak times if a proposed footpath goes ahead.

The initial idea, discussed at the Corsham Area Transport Committee meeting last Thursday would see a new short footpath built from the public car park, at the rear of The Methuen Arms, in High Street, emerging at the South Avenue gates next to the war memorial.

This would allow walkers to avoid the narrow path in South Place and improve safety for children walking to Corsham Primary School, in Pound Pill, and St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, in Lacock Road.

The proposal is viewed as an alternative to permanently introducing traffic calming in South Place.

A two-week calming trial took place on the small stretch of road in May, with it becoming one lane, as traffic from Pound Pill was given priority over vehicles coming from Pickwick Road.

Corsham Town cllr Peter Davis said: “I think this proposal is a fair compromise and the majority of the committee were in favour, as are the local schools.”

One stumbling block could be that the path would go over land owned by Corsham Estate, but Cllr Davis, is optimistic this can be resolved.

He said: “I’ve approached Corsham Estate and asked if they would be prepared to consider this and myself and the town clerk David Martin will meet with their estate manager Chris Waltho to discuss the implications and legal aspects of providing such a pedestrian link.”

As part of the plans Cllr Davis wants Wiltshire Council to give parents permits which would let them park for free for a short period of time in the car park behind the Methuen Arms while they drop their children off using the path.

Headteacher Rita McLoughlin is in favour of this latest proposal, but also feels there were some benefits of the South Place traffic calming trial which split opinion in the town.

She said: “Following the trial, which provided more pavement space, one of the key aspects I wanted to hold on to was a safe walking route.

“I’m keen on this idea as it would be a clear and safe path, avoiding the narrow part of South Place.

“The parking permits would be very welcomed too and I think this idea for the path is fantastic and I think our parents would support it.”

Town clerk David Martin said a meeting with Mr Waltho to discuss the idea would take place in about two weeks’ time.

He said: “We are looking at this as something we could do, although there are still quite a few obstacles to overcome first.”