A community garden in Trowbridge which has helped hundreds of people to gain horticultural skills will celebrate its centenary on Monday.

Palmer Gardens, in Islington, first opened in 1912 and is now run by disability employment charity Shaw Trust.

The milestone anniversary will be marked on Bank Holiday Monday when a family fun day is hosted in the gardens.

They were originally opened by George Palmer to educate school children in horticulture. During the Second World War the gardens grew vegetables as part of the Dig For Victory campaign, and were used as a demonstration garden for the county.

Shaw Trust, which celebrated its 30th anniversary this year, took over Palmer Gardens in 1984 so that people could learn gardening skills, build confidence and feel part of the community.

The free fun day takes place from 11.30am to 3pm on August 27 and will include a barbecue, children's activities, a bouncy castle and treasure hunt. A gardener's question time starts at 11.30am and 2.30pm.