Paul Martin, presenter of the BBC’s Flog It! antiques show, will host a charity auction in Seend on Saturday (Feb 25) night.

Mr Martin, who lives in the village, will be the auctioneer at a charity ball raising money for a disabled nine-year-old boy to travel to Hungary for treatment.

George Hutchings, nine, was starved of oxygen at birth, causing severe quadriplegic cerebral palsy. He is the grandson of Hilary Hutchings, an art teacher at Melksham Oak School, who lives in Seend.

George’s mum Anna Hutchings said: “We know a lot of the village people here and they know of me and George and so it made sense to do it here. My mother knows Paul through the village network and he said yes he can come, but he has to be off to Cornwall for something so we’re doing the auction fairly early, at about 8.30pm.

“It’s a definite bonus and and it will be great to have someone who knows what they’re doing and will be cheeky enough to say to people ‘come on, I know you can afford a bit more than that!”

As well as the auction of items including jewellery, a microlight flight, day passes for six at Centre Parks and signed books from Gordon Ramsey, Terry Pratchett and Michael Palin, there will be a three course buffet, raffle and disco at the ball at Seend Community Centre.

The family needs to raise £2,500 to cover a seven week trip to the Peto Institute in Hungary where George will undergo daily intensive physiotherapy. The cost still works out cheaper than visiting specialist treatment centres in the UK intermittently.

Ms Hutchings, a single parent and full-time carer for George, said: “The first time we went was in 2007 and I was very impressed with how intensive it was. George got a lot out of doing reptitive exercise every day and it helped me to know what to do with him and how to help him everyday.

“We’ve been every year since, and the only way we can really afford it is to fundraise. This is the fourth ball that I’ve done, but the first in Seend and I have to give credit to my mother really because she’s done most of it. The others have been held in Ipswitch where we now live.”

Ms Hutchings added that the main aim was to put on a fun evening that everyone could enjoy, while raising money for her son’s therapy.

She said: “Hopefully, we’ll do as well as we have before. Last year we raised just under £4,000.”

Any excess money raised above the costs of George’s treatment will be put towards the cost of a wheelchair accessible car that Ms Hutchings needs for him.

Tickets are £35 each, to include the buffet and champagne on arrival. To buy a ticket contact Hilary Hutchings on 01380 828129.