CHAIRMAN of Friends of Trowbridge Park Sharl Adabashi believes the hard work starts now, after the group published its report on the consultation event for plans to transform the town park.

The group organised the consultation, which took place at the Civic Centre in February, to tell residents about its proposals to transform the park over the next five to eight years and get feedback on its plans.

Plans include remodelling the lake, improving the look of the bandstand, creating and installing a major piece of art, improving the kiosk and surrounding area and building a community lodge and somewhere for young people to meet, instead they preferred just a youth shelter.

The report highlights that there was “overwhelming support” for the remodelling of the lake, but many of those who took part felt plans for a mixed use community lodge and youth shelter would not work.

Mr Adabashi said: “The event has certainly met our main objective of engaging with the residents of Trowbridge and getting their feedback to build a picture of what people expect and which direction we should go in.

“Now the hard work really starts. We need to sort out a strategy for what the priorities are, although I sense that the youth shelter is the number one priority, followed by the kiosk, the lake and then the bandstand.

“There was almost unanimous support for renovating the lake, but residents did not think our plans for a mixed use community lodge and youth shelter would work. It would have to be one or the other.

“We have been guided by the exercise and it has been very useful. The report acknowledges the views of all of those who came along to the event and filled out questionnaires.”

Other projects presented at the consultation event, including Art in the Park and enhancement ideas for the bandstand received a mixed reception according to the report and will be discussed at further length.

The report will be discussed at FoTP’s first annual general meeting at Trowbridge Civic Centre on March 24 between 6pm-8pm, with members of the public welcome to come along.

Mr Adabashi added: “This will be our first AGM and we will be discussing what we have done over the last 12 months, including the consultation and report, and looking forward to what we want to achieve over the next year.”

All Trowbridge residents wishing to receive a digital pdf copy of the report can do so by contacting Sharl Adabashi by email on