:: Continue to harvest culinary herbs, fruit and vegetables to freeze or dry for winter use.

:: Take the last crop of cuttings from pinks

:: Plant strawberries so the plants become well established before next year.

:: Sow Japanese onions to overwinter

:: Visit public gardens for inspiration

:: Start to clear and dig over borders which are to be renovated or replanted, removing roots and perennial weeds

:: Take stem cuttings of plants that don't divide easily or if more new plants are required than will be provided by division, such as penstemons and osteospermums

:: Continue ordering spring-flowering bulbs to plant this autumn

:: Collect and dry seeds of dill, fennel, chives, sweet cicely and other herbs as they ripen

:: Clean your greenhouse glass inside and out, using a thin flexible label to dislodge dirt from the area where panes overlap, then wash it away with a jet of water
