What is the Job Centre for? After visiting Trowbridge Job Centre with my 18-year-old daughter on Thursday, I was left feeling disheartened.

There we stood, my daughter presenting herself as an intelligent young adult with A-level qualifications in need of some career advice as she does not wish to attend university.

The gentleman at the desk looked bewildered at dealing with someone wanting a job and not just a claim form for some sort of benefit. He proceeded to hand my daughter a leaflet telling her to call the number on the back and they might be able to help.

It really is not surprising how many people just accept unemployment and benefits when the help just isn’t there for them to access the world of work.

Fortunately my daughter won’t be one of these people! Surely the country needs to address this system, so come on, Mr Cameron, there are people who want and need careers advice NOW and it simply isn’t available in the local community.

A number on the back of a leaflet isn’t the answer.

Trudy Houkes, West Ashton.