Driving through other European countries I have noticed a few minor differences which could well add to the safety of our roads.

The removal of the red/amber sequence at traffic lights might deter the “amber gamblers”. The regulation whereby slow vehicles such as tractors are required to pull in to the next layby (of which there are far less in this country) if there are three or more vehicles behind would relieve some of the frustration currently felt by some drivers.

Another regulation which might cause protests but works well in the rest of Europe is a prohibition on heavy vehicles travelling on major roads between midnight on Saturday and midnight on Sunday.

Finally, we are still painting chevrons on roads to indicate safe driving distance. The French gave this up some years ago and now use gaps in the roadside white lines to serve the same purpose, thus saving paint and labour.

Geoffrey Richards, Ashton Lodge, Ashton Road, Hilperton, Trowbridge.