Thank you for the excellent article featuring Trowbridge Talking News and for your supportive comments in the editorial review.

We value every effort to help visually impaired people to be involved in all aspects of our local community and to enjoy the same opportunities as sighted persons.

The article reflected this aim very well and highlighted the pleasure that your listening readers get from hearing local news every week.

We welcome anyone interested in helping as a volunteer, especially in meeting and setting up new TTN listeners.

We are mystified by the strange white hats in the photo. A technical error? We hope that potential volunteers will not think that they have to wear safety helmets.

We want to keep this as a free service, but now have to find sponsors to support ever-increasing technical costs.

Our clients like to hear about the cinema (special request because the sound is so good), music venues, theatre, sports facilities, shops, pubs and restaurants. They are all part of their lives. Sponsorship from any business would be much appreciated and acknowledged by TTN in our recordings.

We are delighted that the Wiltshire Times has become our first sponsor and look forward to our partnership.

Thank you for your positive and caring support.

Jackie Merivale For the TTN Team.

* The ‘white hats’ in last week’s picture were indeed due to an unfortunate production error, which we have corrected by re-printing the picture. Editor.