Why does the Westbury Town Council constantly come up with Mayors who when they are elected by their peers seem to turn into petty dictators overnight?

AGAINST the will of many townspeople of Westbury, Councillor Bradshaw pushed through the idea of buying Mayoral apparel. He told me at a council meeting that I was the only person who objected to his proposal and that he had full local support for his idea.

This was not correct and the idea of purchasing the apparel for a large sum of public money was not accepted by many of the electorate. It was later announced that a considerable saving had been made by purchasing a used gown from Marlborough's Mayor. So far so good but we have never been told why Marlborough Mayor wanted to dispose of it. It now transpires that the reason was that it contained animal fur and a number of the townspeople of Marlborough objected to this and, as their Mayor listened to her electorate, she decided to dispose of the apparel.

My question is why did our Mayor and our council decide that the people of Westbury would accept these items without consultation? I have asked a number of local people and the feeling was that if they were ever elected Mayor they would refuse to wear the apparel. Did our councillors consider this possibility?

Our council is considering ways of answering the public at the public forum at the start of meetings and the proposal is that a question posed by a member of the public will be answered by the Mayor without redress. Does this mean , so proving that our Mayor sees himself as above the people who may or may not have elected him as a councillor (a number of our councillors are not elected these days.) Dictatorship is an insidious thing and we must always be aware of people who receive some authority and misuse it

Bruce Evans, Lanhams Close, Westbury