I SHOULD like to respond to Richard M Hayes, June 10. How misinformed can he be! Such phrases as “We cannot rule ourselves” – of course we rule ourselves. Just about 40% of EU directives are absorbed into our legislation; of course we play our part voting finally in the EU Parliament. So much positive action has been achieved between us member states – including the European Convention of Human Rights, initiated by Winston Churchill. Many declining areas of the UK have benefitted greatly from the Regional Fund.

If our vote on June 23 undoes the last 40 years, and we go back a century through mistaken motives, are we to return to the horrors of the 1930s? We will then know know about “Jackboots”, with little Britain vying for trade against China, India, America and soon the developing African states.

Perhaps wavering voters should ponder on this.

Pat Wilson, Southleigh, Bradford on Avon