THE protection of the environment, employment rights and our fundamental human rights are best achieved through cooperation between countries. Since the 1970s the UK has benefited from this cooperation within the EU. The EU helps to ensure that minimum standards are achieved through appropriate laws.

If we leave the EU these laws will be under severe pressure as lobbyists and others seek to remove these protections.

It is likely that the political situation will be volatile or chaotic in the UK and it is likely that the present government would become more extreme. In this situation good laws to replace those founded by the EU cannot be achieved.

We are better getting stuck in to achieve our goals as part of the EU. The EU itself may well be weakened by our leaving. This may potentially fuel nationalism and further breakdown of relations across the continent.

By being in the EU we can help ensure that nationalism is contained as bitter experience shows what happens when we do not work together.

Yes further reform is needed but we can work together for the common good.


Jack Mason, Magnolia Rise, Trowbridge