SEPTEMBER 11-17 is Remember A Charity Week, which calls on people to ‘have your say on the world you want to pass on’ when making a will. Animal Aid echoes this sentiment and asks people who have left a legacy to charity to ensure that the recipient is not an organisation that funds or supports research on animals. Animal Aid is saying ‘Don’t leave a legacy of suffering’.
As well as being cruel, there is growing evidence that the results of animal-based research cannot be reliably applied to human patients. Yet some charities, such as Cancer Research UK and British Heart Foundation, still support the barbaric practice of animal research and receive millions of pounds in legacies. This is despite 76 per cent of people, polled by YouGov in 2015, saying they would be unlikely to knowingly leave money in their will to a charity that funds animal experiments.
To find out more about Animal Aid’s campaign and which charities support animal research, visit our website or call us on 01732 364546.
Jessamy Korotoga
Animal Aid
The Old Chapel
Bradford Street
Kent TN9 1AW