The deterioration of mental health has spiked evidently, amidst these past couple of years. The cause most likely – Covid 19. People have sought out ways to keep themselves occupied, whilst we were instructed to keep to ourselves and wait until all were to ‘calm down’, so to speak. The world was in chaos, but there was not much individually we could do, except comply to said rules. And thus, not only did everything in surround become chaotic but our minds too. However, there are ways to seek back that tranquillity we hope for. To regain peace again, within ourselves, and see how the world is overcoming all horrifics - working towards a better future.

Whether the sky be ushering rain or sunshine, in the heart of Warminster, Wiltshire, there lays a beautiful abode in which one can simply be themselves: ‘Warminster Town Park’, home of the lake pleasure grounds. Flourishing with greens; healthy and happy it is, as you step forth and are immediately greeted with plants and flowers – even edible ones! ‘Designed and grown by volunteers from Incredible Edible Warminster’.

If you listen closely, whilst walking down the path you are met with, you may hear laughter as it rings through your ears – delighted children as they have the time of their lives in the playpark. Featuring many appealing attractions: your typical playground rides, swings, obstacle courses, and even a water-play area, though only open in the summer. For families wanting to unwind and relax, simply allowing your children to play in such a safe place is sure to calm them down, whilst you take the time to enjoy the many seating areas available. Whether it be in the playpark; in the designated, green-hedged area, near the park; or anywhere in actuality – benches are found all around in Warminster Town Park. But that is not all, the art of skateboarding and similar hobbies can be put to the test in the skatepark situated on the left of the play area. Never are you left with a dull moment.

Walk a bit further, now you are greeted with a picturesque totality – the ripples dancing on the lake as birds of all kind swim upon the waters. Simply taking in this scenery really puts your heart at ease. As people walk around said lake or bask in the presence, overlooking it instead. Once you have taken in your fair share of splendour, nature entails furthermore – for the adventure shall not end. Warminster Town Park has trails leading off into worthwhile walks, as wildlife surrounds. In the fields you may spot cows or even horses, though on a sign near the lake, it explains of the bats inhabiting said places. For not a few, but thirteen types of different bats reside in Warminster Park and the meadows in surround. Truly an experience, to change the familiarity of life as you know, allowing you to discover that there is more to life and more beauty once unknown yet now for your eyes to gaze upon.

Shirley Helme, who has been living nearby for over thirty years, explains that “the park is a very special place for people like me to come to as I’m on my own”, praising the grounds exponentially. For “It’s a lovely park with varying numbers of wild birds and I come, well, perhaps three- or four-times a week. It’s always a pleasure to watch”.
Though Sherley Helme speaks direly of a concern of hers - “it does occasionally upset me when I see people with white bread” as it is “not good for these birds” and “I think there should be a notice up”.

This issue needs to be understood, by civilians, for instead birdfeed is able to be bought from the Pavilion café, as well as sweet treats for anyone to enjoy. Near the café, there also lies the tennis courts to let off steam, as well as the community centre.

As described, Warminster Town Park holds many features to explore, and it would truly be a loss to miss out on seeing such qualities. Such qualities are also guaranteed to let your mind feel at ease and your whole demeanour feel flourished. For in times of need, simply being able to visit such a ‘lovely park’ will instil a beautiful memory in place instead. To cast away such negativity and become your ‘special place’ perhaps.