Wiltshire Times - Memorials

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In Memoriam


RANDALL Jack 19th September 2014 Your presence we miss, Your memory we treasure, Loving you…
Published on 13/09/2024
In Memoriam

James Matthew Robert Vincent

VINCENT James Matthew Robert "For though I'll always miss you And it's dreadful being apart, I…
Published on 23/08/2024
In Memoriam

Paul Keating

KEATING Paul Remembering with love Paul Keating who died on 20th August 2009 Loved and remembered…
Published on 23/08/2024
In Memoriam

David Lionel Hayter

HAYTER David Lionel (Dave) 05.08.1955 - 21.08.2023 A year has passed so quickly but feels like it…
Published on 16/08/2024
In Memoriam


COX Ann In loving memory of a dear Wife and Mother, who passed away on August 11th 2008. Love from…
Published on 09/08/2024
In Memoriam


GAFFNEY John (Paddy) Died 19th August 1980, aged 59. Remembering you is easy, I do it every day,…
Published on 09/08/2024
In Memoriam

Christine Gaffney

GAFFNEY Christine (Rene) Died 15th August 2011, aged 78. Remembering Mum is easy, I do it every…
Published on 09/08/2024
In Memoriam

Philip Clayton

CLAYTON Philip Treasured memories of our dear dad and the late Stephen taken from us 5th August…
Published on 02/08/2024
In Memoriam

Peter Munday

MUNDAY Peter Sadly taken from us 25th July 2019, aged 91. A day doesn't go by when we are not…
Published on 23/07/2024
In Memoriam

John Walter Ransome

RANSOME John Walter 19/07/2002 A golden heart stopped beating, Hard working hands at rest, It…
Published on 19/07/2024
In Memoriam

Valerie June Cox

COX Valerie June 21-06-1942 - 21-07-2019 5 years have passed Deep in our hearts you will always…
Published on 19/07/2024
In Memoriam

Betsy Trollope

TROLLOPE Betsy "Bet" 24/07/2023 It's been a year since you left us mum, loved and missed every…
Published on 15/07/2024