Every year, during the last week of September, students and staff from Kingdown School embark on a 20-kilometre sponsored walk. This day consists of a 10-kilometre walk from the school to Quebec Farm and an additional 10-kilometre walk, or optional run, back to the school.

During this event, years 12 and 13 are allocated groups and places along the route to marshal and pick up litter in their designated area. All students are encouraged to wear fun clothes and costumes to make the walk more enjoyable. Students are also allowed to bring speakers to make sure the walk is entertaining, as long as the music is at an appropriate volume.

Regarding this year’s walk, the school has raised around £4,400, with additional donations from students and parents to be added up until December. Whilst this money hasn’t been allocated towards a certain cause yet, last year, the school spent the contributions on guitars for the music block, gazebos for Sports Day in case of extreme heat and gave aid to the food bank as well as other charities.

Additionally, the school creates a video every year showing the different unique costumes and the route, as well as a time lapse at the finish line of students running triumphantly under the inflatable arch that is set up back at the school. This year, costumes ranged from Mario and Luigi to an inflatable shark costume and onesies. Some teachers were even dressed as Thing 1 and Thing 2 from the infamous book ‘The Cat in the Hat’ by Dr. Seuss.