CONSULTATION on Wiltshire Council’s climate strategy is due to begin next week.

The survey will officially go live on Wednesday, September 1 at one minute to midnight and residents can comment on the proposal up to Sunday, October 17.

The document will shape the local authority’s battle against climate change for the next five years.

Seven key themes, according to the council, will be highlighted including transport, built environment, green economy, energy generation, storage and distribution, natural environment, food and farm, and carbon neutral council.

Cabinet member for climate change, Nick Botterill said: “As a rural county, Wiltshire is on the frontline of climate change impacts, and this affects us all. However, we can – and are – doing all we can to fight it, and that’s why we’re bringing forward this climate strategy for people to have their say on.

“At the same time, we’re also asking for people’s views on Our Natural Environment Plan, which will help to protect Wiltshire’s valuable biodiversity for years to come. The two strategies are intrinsically linked, which is why we’re asking for views on both at the same time.”

Wiltshire Council declared a climate emergency in February 2019 and has committed itself to becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

The council also plans to consult on its Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI) Strategy, Our Natural Environment Plan, which looks at the future for Wiltshire’s natural environmental assets and how the council can help protect and enhancement them for the benefit of people and biodiversity.

Residents are also welcome to join a series of online events explaining the documents.

To join these events, people must sign up online in advance. The full schedule of engagement events is as follows:

September 9, 6pm, online launch event with Claire Perry O’Neill

September 15, 10.30am to 11.30am, first engagement webinar

September 30, 7pm to 8pm, second engagement webinar.

Libraries drop-in sessions:

September 14, 10am to 12 noon, Salisbury Library

September 23, 10am to 12 noon, Devizes Library

September 27, 10am to 12 noon, Chippenham Library

October 7, 10am to 12 noon, Trowbridge Library.