SHOCKING news of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine got our readers arguing as to whether the UK should get involved and go to their aid.

News wires were filled with images of injured civilians, explosions and downed aircraft.

For some in Swindon, with family in the country, the scenes were frightening.

Nato said it would boost its forces on its eastern flank and Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said it was a grave moment for the security of Europe.

Here's what people had to say on Facebook...

April Psarras: "Maybe the UK should focus on its own problems for now."

Adrian Sawyer: "If you think this isn’t a UK problem then you haven’t scratched the surface of the potential repercussions."

Tam Carter: "UK should stay out of it. Offer refuge to those in need but stay out of the war."

Robert Weyman: "Doing nothing isn't an option."

Angie Davis: "Stay the hell out of yet another war that's non of our business, use the resources to sort out our own issues and stop sacrificing our soldiers."

Kate Long: "It’ll be more a war of banks (£€$) than tanks."

Jeremy Waldron: "Acquisition every Russian asset in the UK and offshore investments. Open up gas and oil platforms with the money, then anything that Russia needs they must pay a 100000% levy.

"Once Russia crumbles to point where they are eating dogs keep applying that pressure. To turn Russia into a baron empty landscape."

Matt Wichall: "Let’s be clear that this isn’t a war that the people of Russia want.

"It’s a war that Putin and his Soviet glory days ministers want.

"Mass suffering inflicted on the Russian people, won’t bother them one bit."

Stuart Benjamin: "But we sent Liz Truss...."

Marcus Kittridge: "The UK could develop a time travelling machine and go back to a time when dirty Russian money wasn't buying favours and influence and then make sure that regulation was put in place to stop the UK being held to ransom financially and energy security wise."

Mihail Damyanov: "Do nothing and stay away. Supplying weapons means UK becomes a target.

"Also think what will be the price of the gas and the Petrol if Russia, which supplies the whole Europe turns off the tap. We have to switch to electric cars and home thermo pumps next week."

Craig Sharps: "I'm sure I'm going to get shot down by some Facebook stay at home think they know the world and everything. But I stand by what Boris has said in his speech and we should help Ukraine the best we can.

"I'm sure all NATO countries will go in and help to just show Putin that it isn't 1939 anymore and the world a much better place and you cannot bully a country into anything!

"Putin is obvs having some sort of midlife/end of life crisis and his manic decision to invade Ukraine needs defending and not only by us the UK but the rest of the world!"