Emmanuel Church, Marlborough is celebrating the Queen’s 70-year reign and her lifelong Christian faith at a family afternoon tea on Friday, June 3.

The festivities, which are free to attend, will take place at the town’s Recreation Ground off St Margaret’s Mead from 3.30pm.

There will be cream teas, games, stalls, music and a short family-friendly talk.

There will even be a dog show, tug of war and tea tasting.

Wiltshire Times: Young members of Emmanuel Church practising their bakingYoung members of Emmanuel Church practising their baking

In the show, there will be a Windsor Walk, where dogs can be shown around the arena, dogs will be coaxed over small jumps and there will even be a prize for the dog that is best dressed.

Organisers are asking people attending to bring a picnic rug along with them.